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Sign up for the AFHE email list to receive the monthly AFHE newsletter with information of interest to Arizona homeschool families, plus legislative updates, AFHE event news, and special offers. Free of charge.
Your privacy is important to us. AFHE holds our mailing list in confidence. We will not share or sell your contact information.
Your privacy is important to us. AFHE holds our mailing list in confidence. We will not share or sell your contact information.

Newsletter Submission
We invite submissions of announcements about events and activities for Arizona homeschoolers from across the state. Announcements must support AFHE’s mission inspire parents to home educate their children; promote parent-directed home-based education; preserve the freedom to homeschool; and support parents who choose a home-based education option for their children and must not conflict with a biblical worldview. AFHE reserves the right to decline any submission without further comment.