Homeschool Arizona is a full-color, high quality magazine published by AFHE with the purpose of encouraging, equipping, informing, and inspiring homeschooling families across Arizona. A print edition is mailed out to member families statewide and is made available online in digital format soon after the print edition is mailed out.
Reach thousands of Arizona homeschool families by advertising with AFHE. Print and electronic opportunities are available.
AFHE welcomes the submission of articles for possible inclusion in an upcoming issue of the magazine and/or for the AFHE website.

One of the great advantages of homeschooling is the opportunity to get out and explore, enriching the education adventure.
Have you …
Toured a factory or plant?
Gone spelunking in a cave?
Delighted in a great play or musical performance?
Visited a fascinating museum or zoo?
Enjoyed a hands-on learning experience?
We want to hear about your Arizona homeschool field trip experiences!
Have you …
Toured a factory or plant?
Gone spelunking in a cave?
Delighted in a great play or musical performance?
Visited a fascinating museum or zoo?
Enjoyed a hands-on learning experience?
We want to hear about your Arizona homeschool field trip experiences!

Homeschoolers Excel Articles
We value the opportunity to highlight the achievements and accomplishments of Arizona homeschooled students in our quarterly magazine, Homeschool Arizona, and/or on our blog, and we invite families to submit articles for the Homeschoolers Excel column.
FORMAT: Articles should be written in third person about the student or students being highlighted. Include the student’s first and last name, age and city may be included as well at the parent’s discretion.
ELIGIBILITY: Students featured in the Homeschoolers Excel column must reside in Arizona and be taught at home by their parents in accordance with ARS §15-802 where the parent is the primary instructor in the core subjects. Virtual charter school, public school, and private school students, as well as ESA contract students are ineligible for inclusion in a Homeschoolers Excel article.
LENGTH OF ARTICLE: Articles that are 150 words or fewer work best.
INCLUDE PHOTOGRAPHS: We like to include one or more photos (as space permits) with each Homeschoolers Excel article. Please submit high-resolution digital images via email with your article. Images should be 300dpi with a file size of at least 1MB.
SUBMIT: Send your article and photos to with “Homeschoolers Excel” in the subject line.
PROVIDE YOUR MAILING ADDRESS: If your Homeschoolers Excel article is published in a print issue of the AFHE Magazine, we will mail you several extra copies of that issue. Your mailing address will be used for this purpose only and will not be published, shared, or sold.
Homeschoolers Excel submissions are included at the AFHE Magazine Editor’s discretion as space allows. We cannot guarantee that a submission will appear in a particular issue of the magazine.
We value the opportunity to highlight the achievements and accomplishments of Arizona homeschooled students in our quarterly magazine, Homeschool Arizona, and/or on our blog, and we invite families to submit articles for the Homeschoolers Excel column.
FORMAT: Articles should be written in third person about the student or students being highlighted. Include the student’s first and last name, age and city may be included as well at the parent’s discretion.
ELIGIBILITY: Students featured in the Homeschoolers Excel column must reside in Arizona and be taught at home by their parents in accordance with ARS §15-802 where the parent is the primary instructor in the core subjects. Virtual charter school, public school, and private school students, as well as ESA contract students are ineligible for inclusion in a Homeschoolers Excel article.
LENGTH OF ARTICLE: Articles that are 150 words or fewer work best.
INCLUDE PHOTOGRAPHS: We like to include one or more photos (as space permits) with each Homeschoolers Excel article. Please submit high-resolution digital images via email with your article. Images should be 300dpi with a file size of at least 1MB.
SUBMIT: Send your article and photos to with “Homeschoolers Excel” in the subject line.
PROVIDE YOUR MAILING ADDRESS: If your Homeschoolers Excel article is published in a print issue of the AFHE Magazine, we will mail you several extra copies of that issue. Your mailing address will be used for this purpose only and will not be published, shared, or sold.
Homeschoolers Excel submissions are included at the AFHE Magazine Editor’s discretion as space allows. We cannot guarantee that a submission will appear in a particular issue of the magazine.